
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Creating a generic C stack

                Creating generic containers is little tough in c as compared to Java and C++. Templates in C++ would give you different containers for each type that you use where Java gives you only one container which is capable of holding any type due to its singly rooted object base class hierarchy. Generic containers in C are bit like Java containers in a sense that it would give you only one container as opposed to the container for each type in C++.
                It is tricky because we have to deal with void type for variables where we lose the size information and malloc for memory allocation which only deals with raw number of bytes. But it is fun alright!
                So first lets see the header file and see why this and that is there. I mean the purpose of having all kinds of stuff in header.
#ifndef STACK_H_
#define STACK_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {

    int size;

    int currentIndex;

    int elementSize;
    void* items;
} Stack;

void newStack(Stack* stack ,int size,int elementSize,void
(*clearmem)(void* ));
void push(Stack* stack,void* item);
void pop(Stack* stack,void* destination);
void dispose(Stack* stack);
Let’s first look at the struct. The size variable defines max number of items that we are going to keep in our stack. The elementSize variable holds the size of a single item that would be kept in our stack. This is needed because we are going generic and we would be taking void type items, therefore we don’t have size information using lets say sizeof .  The currentIndex keep track of the number of elements in the stack and will be used for pointer arithmetic to locate addresses of items in push and pop operations. Void* items refer to a memory location in the heap which points to the starting address of our stack. Last void (*clearmem)(void*) is a function pointer which knows how to free the memory used by items stored in the stack. This is needed because we don’t know how to free the memory if our stack is holding pointers to strings in heap or pointers to structs etc. if we only deals with data types such as int, double etc. this is not needed because it would totally be within our stack.
Let’s recap what we have at the moment. We have size and elementSize which collectively defines the amount of memory or number of bytes that is needed for our stack. Then we have currentIndex and items to find out addresses of the items inside the stack and elementSize tells us how far from these addresses that we need to consider as single item.

Wow! This is getting long. Function prototypes and implementation next time.
Note: this is an old post moved here from a different location.